
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Everything!

Sunday mornings are when I sit back with a cup of tea and read blogs.  One of my recent favourites is Trial and Error, and a few minutes ago I stumbled across this discussion.  I'm not one who regularly posts comments, but I felt I had to weigh in.  And since I haven't posted here lately (I know, I know....), I thought I would share my response with you.

It's an interesting time, the holidays. Everyone seems to want to claim the season for themselves, and shut everyone else out -- the complete opposite of what it's supposed to be all about.

The signs proclaiming "Jesus is the Reason for the Season" are the ones that get me the most. I feel like gently sticking a Post-It note on each one, pointing out that it's actually the Earth spinning on its axis as it goes around the Sun that's "the reason for the season." (And the other three seasons, for that matter.) :)

My faith is not Christian, but many of my traditions have been adopted as part of "Christmas." (The tree mentioned above is a great example.) And I honestly think that's wonderful. If part of my tradition and celebration brings others joy, I'm all for it!

But many people of my faith rant and rave about how the Christians have "stolen" our traditions. It seems as if every faith has its own little group with megaphones shouting, "It's ours! You can't have it! And it's better than yours! So there!"

If I know the faith of the person I'm speaking to, I wish them the appropriate greeting. If I don't know, then I say "Happy Holidays" -- not to exclude anybody or anything (as some Christians seem to interpret the fact that the word "Christmas" doesn't appear), but in order to INCLUDE everybody. Regardless of their faith, my wish for everyone is the same -- I truly wish that the holidays they are celebrating bring them love, joy, and peace.

And isn't that really what it's all about?

Happy Holidays, everyone.


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